The Alumni association of M.I.E.T. Engineering College was formally inaugurated on June 22, 2014 in the presence of Er.A.Mohamed Yunus, Chairman, M.I.E.T. Institutions. So for six Alumni meets were organized and the turnout of members for each meet was remarkable and the Alumni present during those meetings guide the present students to a great extent towards higher education and employment. The Alumni Association of M.I.E.T. acts as a bridge between the students and the industry by providing frequent interactions with industrial personals for getting internships, projects and even sometimes referring for employment. Some of the Alumni made monitory contributions which accounts a sum of rupees 5, 56,000 -/ for the past five academic years. The Alumni Association should be made more vibrant and active in the days to come for better contribution in terms of knowledge and wealth for the betterment of the institution.
The Alumni Association of the institution was reconstituted in April’2021 with 11 committee members and the Executive committee framed bye-laws of the association. The Alumni Association is formally registered under registration of Society’s Act in the district Registrar’s office in Tiruchirappalli in the name and style of “M.I.E.T. ENGINEERING COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION” TIRUCHIRAPPALLI.
S.No | Member Name | Designation |
1 | Mr. A. Basheer Ahamed | President |
2 | Mr. R. Rengaraj | Vice President |
3 | Mr. M. Sheriff | Secretary |
4 | Mr. R.Abdullah Hassan | Joint Secretary |
5 | Mr. F. Mohammed Suhail | Treasurer |
6 | Dr. M. Mohamed Asif | Executive Member |
7 | Mr. A. Mohamed Iqbal | Executive Member |
8 | Ms. S. Nandhini | Executive Member |
9 | Mr. P. Christopher | Executive Member |
10 | Mr. G. Nandhakumar | Executive Member |
11 | Ms. A. Abirami | Executive Member |
S.No | Faculty Name | Position & Dept | Contact number | Mail Id |
1. | Mr. P. MANIKANDAN | ALUMNI CO-ORDINATOR - CSE | 96263 83409 | |
2. | Mr. R. MANICKAM | ALUMNI CO-ORDINATOR - MECH | 63814 63803 | |
3. | Dr. V. SIVAKAMI | ALUMNI CO-ORDINATOR - EEE | 94436 88363 | |
4. | Mrs. S. CHINTHANAISELVI | ALUMNI CO-ORDINATOR - ECE | 97875 98715 | |
5. | Dr. P. NANDHINI | ALUMNI CO-ORDINATOR - MBA | 96551 60839 | |
6. | Mr. S. ARUN SAHAYARAJ | ALUMNI CO-ORDINATOR - CIVIL | 87541 52298 | |
S.No | Academic Year | Venue | Alumni Meet Date | Alumni Meet Reports |
1 | 2023-2024 | M.I.E.T. Auditorium | 04th Jan-2025 | Click Here |
2 | 2021-2022 | M.I.E.T. Auditorium | 20th Nov-2022 | Click Here |
3 | 2020-2021 | M.I.E.T. Auditorium | 17th Oct-2022 | Click Here |
4 | 2019-2020 | M.I.E.T. B-Block Seminar Hall | 05th Jan-2020 | Click Here |
5 | 2018-2019 | M.I.E.T. C-Block Auditorium | 27th Jan-2019 | Click Here |
6 | 2018-2019 | M.I.E.T. Auditorium | 04th Aug-2018 | Click Here |
7 | 2017-2018 | M.I.E.T. Auditorium | 08th Jul-2017 | Click Here |
8 | 2016-2017 | M.I.E.T. B-Block Seminar Hall | 30th Oct-2016 | Click Here |
9 | 2014-2015 | M.I.E.T. Auditorium | 22nd Jun-2014 | Click Here |