
Electric rickshaws (e-rickshaw) are also called e-tricycles have been becoming more popular in some cities in India. Electric rickshaw is an alternative to auto rickshaws and pulled rickshaws because of their low fuel cost, and less human effort compared to pulled rickshaws. They are being widely accepted as an alternative to petrol/diesel/CNG auto rickshaws. They are three-wheelers powered by an electric motor ranging from 650 to 1400 Watts. Battery-run rickshaws could be a low-emitter complementary transport for the low-income people, who suffer most from a lack of transport facility, if introduced in a systematic manner according to experts. Battery vehicles are becoming more popular for the past one decade due to more exhaust emissions generated by engine powered vehicles.

In our college, e-rickshaw is introduced to emphasize the green campus initiatives. The vehicle has 6-seater capacity powered by four batteries.

The e-rickshaw is operated at 20km/hr inside the college premises for picking and dropping of students, staff, and parents.
